Becoming Catholic and Adult Confirmation

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a year-long process of formation and discernment for those interested in becoming fully initiated into the Catholic faith through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. 

Our OCIA program offers a full immersion into the Catholic faith through spiritual and theological formation, mentoring, and fellowship.  It is open to adults seeking baptism, those baptized in another Christian denomination, and those who were baptized in the Catholic Church but not confirmed.  We also welcome those who are just curious or want to brush up on their formation.  Program meets on Sunday mornings starting in September each year, culminating at the Easter Vigil.

For more information and to sign up, contact Diane McCarthy, Pastoral Associate, at 781-438-0200.

For children from grade school through high school, learn more about St. Patrick's Religious Education here.

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