Students enrolled in the Confirmation Program are expected to attend the 6 pm Mass (families are encouraged to attend with them) and then stay for a class from 7-8 pm in Our Lady of Providence Hall. Dates of classes and the chapter to be covered at each class are available here.
The Confirmation Program this year is using the Confirmed in the Spirit book by Loyola Press. This 8-chapter book includes text, written response questions, and chapter reviews to be completed by the student. Students are expected to have read the chapter and completed the questions BEFORE attending class. This will ensure they have thought about the topic that will be discussed that week and be ready to fully participate.
During class the students will review the chapter and then break into small groups for guided discussion with the catechists. Finally, students will move back to the church for the last five to ten minutes of class where they will be led in a prayer activity before being dismissed.