Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation Preparation

Welcome to the Confirmation Program

Preparation for Sacrament of Confirmation

Congratulations on taking the next step in your faith formation! Confirmation is really the fulfillment of the promises your parents made for you at your baptism. Now, you as a teenager, are freely choosing to become a full member of the church.

The goal of the Confirmation Program at Saint Patrick Parish is to help you to identify the gifts you possess and challenge you to put these gifts to use in fulfilling the mission of the Church. The requirements of the Confirmation program will give you a greater understanding of the teachings of the faith, as well as the tools you will need to be able to grow in faith after having received the sacrament of Confirmation. The entire faith community at Saint Patrick’s is eager to welcome you fully into the Body of Christ.

Your Faith Starts in the Home

The Eucharist is central to Catholic life. It is the means by which we nourish our faith and worship God. It is also through hearing the Scriptures read and discussed that we learn more about our faith and about God. The Confirmation preparation program is intended to complement the faith formation that takes place in the candidate’s family home. Therefore, the program assumes that candidates are: 1) attending mass, and 2) exploring and learning about their faith on their own and with their family.

Confirmation Detailed Information

Confirmation Lessons and Masses

Students enrolled in the Confirmation Program are expected to attend the 6 pm Mass (families are encouraged to attend with them) and then stay for a class from 7-8 pm in Our Lady of Providence Hall. Dates of classes and the chapter to be covered at each class are available here.

The Confirmation Program this year is using the Confirmed in the Spirit book by Loyola Press. This 8-chapter book includes text, written response questions, and chapter reviews to be completed by the student. Students are expected to have read the chapter and completed the questions BEFORE attending class. This will ensure they have thought about the topic that will be discussed that week and be ready to fully participate.

During class the students will review the chapter and then break into small groups for guided discussion with the catechists. Finally, students will move back to the church for the last five to ten minutes of class where they will be led in a prayer activity before being dismissed.

Missed Class Policy

Students should make every effort to attend every class. However, if a student is unable to attend class for a legitimate reason, he or she must complete the following and turn in the writing assignment by email before the next class:

  • Attend Mass another time that weekend and write a paragraph on what the homily was about (if student is ill, he or she can watch the Mass on
  • Complete the chapter reading, answer the questions, and complete the review at the end of the Chapter (this is what is expected before attending every class).
  • Write 1-2 paragraphs on how the theme of the chapter relates to your life.

The writing assignments can be emailed in PDF format to us at Please do not send as Google Docs as we are unable to open them.

Choosing a Confirmation Name: Adding a New Name or Reaffirming Your Baptismal Name

It is traditional to take a new name at Confirmation signifying your new awareness of how Confirmation will help you live as a disciple of Christ. Candidates often choose the name of a saint for whom they have an affinity. This saint will then act as the person’s patron and guide on his or her faith journey through life.

Although most people choose to take a new name it is not required. Instead, you may want to reaffirm your baptismal name since the sacrament of Confirmation seals and strengthens the faith and grace you received at Baptism.

Required Components of Confirmation Students
  • 1. Sponsor Form

    This sponsor form should be printed and completed by the Sponsor. If the sponsor is not a member of St. Patrick Parish, he or she must take this form to the Sponsor’s Parish of registration to be signed and stamped. It is due back to us by 12/15/2024.

  • 2. Information Form (online submission)

    Please use this LINK to complete the online Confirmation Information Form.

  • 3. Saint Report (online submission)

    Confirmation students: please use this LINK to complete the required Saint Report online.

  • 4. Letter to the Bishop

    Click HERE for details on how to write this Letter Requesting Confirmation to the presiding Bishop. This letter must be printed, signed by hand, and then turned in by 1/26/2025.

  • 5. Five hours of Christian Service

    Please click here for details Christian Service.

    Confirmation Students: Please use this LINK to complete the Service review.

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