The Religious Education program at St. Patrick Parish is designed to help parents and students develop a deep understanding and love of the Catholic faith. Students in Grades 1-7 use the Loyola Press Finding God series to learn about the prayers and practices of our faith and about God’s plan for salvation. Students in Grade 2 prepare for and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist.
Students in grades 8, 9 and 10 are now eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Students in these grades use the Loyola Press Confirmed in the Spirit book and in-person classes to prepare for this sacrament that marks them as adult Catholics on their lifelong journey of faith.
Please read the descriptions below carefully to understand
our program for this year.
for the 2024-2025 School Year
Students in Grades 1-7 may attend in-person classes or homeschool to complete their Religious Education.
GRADES 8, 9 and 10
Students in these grades are now eligible for Confirmation. Students in the Confirmation Program attend the Sunday 6 pm Mass and stay for class after from 7-8 pm on the 11 required dates. Candidates for Confirmation are also required to attend a Confirmation Retreat (date TBD). More details will be communicated in October when classes begin.
Homeschool available to Grades 1-7: Religious Education Homeschool students complete all 25 chapters/sessions in the book at their own pace. Homeschool consists of reading the chapter/session, taking a short online quiz on the session until the child receives 100%, and logging the date of completion for each chapter on a Paper Homeschool Log and/or a Google Form Homeschool Log. See the Homeschool Parent Instructions PDF for details and links.
In-Person Classes available to Grades 1-7: In-person class students in Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 will meet every other week for an hour-long class. In-person class students in Grades 2 and 7 meet more often as these are sacramental preparation years and will meet roughly three times a month for an hour-long class.
All students are expected to have read the chapters before the class so that we may focus on specific topics from each lesson in our class meeting. Students who miss a class will be asked to make up the chapters covered that week using the homeschool method. See the In-Person Class Parent Instructions and the Missed Class Parent Instructions PDFs for details.
In-Person Class Schedule Grades 1-7:
Classes begin in October and conclude in mid-April. Our Religious Education Calendar with exact dates for each class is available in September.
Day of Week | Week1 | Time | Week2 | Time |
Monday * | Grade 2 | 4:00-5:00 PM | Grade 2 | 4:00-5:00 PM |
Grade 7 | 6:30-7:30 PM | Grade 7 | 6:30-7:30 PM | |
Tuesday | Grade 1 | 4:00-5:00 PM | Grade 5 | 3:15-4:15 PM |
Grade 4 | 4:30-5:30 PM | |||
Wednesday | Grade 3 | 4:00-5:00 PM | Grade 6 | 3:15-4:15 PM |
* Grades 2 and 7 meet every week there is not a Monday holiday. See Religious Education Calendar for full list of dates.
Confirmation Program Grades 8, 9, and 10:
The Confirmation Program at St. Patrick Parish is now open to all students in grades 8, 9 and 10 who have fulfilled their previous Religious Education requirements either through a Parish based Religious Education program or a Catholic School curriculum. For a student to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in spring of 2025, he or she must:
The 11 required classes will be on Sunday nights after the 6 PM Mass. Students are asked to attend the Mass and then stay for an hour class after Mass. Classes begin in October and will conclude in February. Students must also attend the Confirmation Retreat held here at the parish, date and time TBD. The Confirmation ceremonies will be held in Spring of 2025.
A parent is required to attend the Commitment Mass with the student on the first day of class and stay for the class after Mass. A parent or sponsor must attend the Sponsor Mass with the student and stay for the reception after Mass. Full schedule will be included in the Confirmation Handbook released in October.
Students wishing to be confirmed who have missed some years of Religious Education are asked to contact the religious education office by email to see if they are eligible to enroll in our
Called to Be Catholic
program. This program is to be completed by the student at home and must be completed before the student receives the Sacrament of Confirmation. Students may be enrolled in both this program and the Confirmation program at the same time or may complete the
Called to be Catholic
program over the summer. The fee for this program is $100.
In-Person Classes for all grades will begin in October and end before April vacation, (February for Grades 8, 9 and 10). Dates of classes and the sessions/chapters covered at each class can be found on the Religious Education Calendar PDF which is available to download in September.
Homeschool students may begin at any time. All Homeschool work is expected to be completed by May 31, 2025 (Grade 2 students by May 1, 2025). See the Homeschool Parent Instructions PDF for details.
All students in Religious Education are required to complete Christian Service. Christian Service consists of volunteering or raising money for programs that support the Corporal or Spiritual Works of Mercy. See the Christian Service PDF for details on number of hours per grade and for annual events offered by the Religious Education Department. This is designed not to be a burden, but to help students understand the value and reward of helping those in need.
You can share your faith as a volunteer or catechist this year! A catechist is the primary teacher for the class and is supplied with all necessary materials. Volunteers assist the staff member or catechist during class by helping students with work or redirecting student behavior. The number of students we can accommodate in class depends on the number of volunteers that step up to help. Please contact us by email (or indicate your willingness to help on the Google Registration Form) to discuss how you can volunteer today! All volunteers must complete an application, an annual CORI and the Protecting God’s Children class if he or she has not already done so.
Registration Fee for Families with Students in Grades 1-7:
1-Child in Grades 1-7: $175
2-Children in Grades 1-7: $315
3 or More Children in Grades 1-7: $450
All students will receive a new paper Finding God book each year at no additional cost.
Confirmation Fee:
Grades 8, 9 or 10: $250
Students in Grades 8, 9 or 10 pay one flat registration fee of $250 per student. This covers all costs associated with the Confirmation Ceremony and the cost of the book. There are no discounts for having additional students in the program.
Installment plans are available for all Registration fees including Confirmation. See the Payment Page for details on the Installment plans.
Financial Assistance is available. Please email the religious education office for the Financial Aid application if you wish to apply.
Thank you for joining our Religious Education Family!
We look forward to helping you to grow your child’s faith!
Religious Education Registration is currently closed. If you need to complete your child(ren)’s registration, please email the office at
If you have any questions about Religious Education, please call their office at 781-438-1093, or email them at
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