We have a serious role in our responsibility to keep all children and vulnerable adults safe. For this reason, we require all employees and volunteers to:
Other Safe Environment Training
For students in grades 1 - 10. Empowering God’s Children® (a program sanctioned by the Archdiocese of Boston) is an age-appropriate comprehensive program through which educators and parents can give children and youth the tools they need to protect themselves by teaching them about safety rights and boundaries. The Archdiocese of Boston is committed to safety and requires its parish communities to integrate this safety information into their programming.
Dear Parents,
The Saint Patrick Parish Religious Education program is required by the Archdiocese of Boston to have a Safe Environment Program. A Safe Environment Program includes initiatives for keeping all of God’s children safe.
Our community Safe Environment Program requires of all volunteers:
Additional to screening and educating volunteers, the parish is required to offer the Archdiocesan approved program, Empowering All God's Children to children enrolled in Faith Formation Grades 1-10. This program teaches a culture of respect and faith, helping children and young people understand their own sacredness, the sacredness of others, and how to seek help.
As required by the Archdiocese of Boston, this year we will provide your family the materials needed to appropriately talk to your children about this important subject. We will not be teaching this program in our classes this year.
Additional materials used as resources for teaching are located on our website by clicking the tab titled, Empowering All God’s Children.
Please use the link below to access Empowering All God's Children Parent Lesson Plans.
Instructions for parents/guardians to access the VIRTUS Empowering God’s Children material:
Go to WWW.VIRTUSonline.org
On the left side log in with the following information:
User Name: Parent_Boston
Password: EGCBoston1
This will bring you to the Educator Tab where you will see the lesson plans and information for Empowering God’s Children.
Thank you for all your support.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Religious Education Staff
You, as a parent, are expected to review the material with your child/children at home. If you do not want your child/children to participate in the Empowering God's Children program please fill out the Opt-Out Form below and return it to the religious education office.
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