Dear Friends in Christ,
Last weekend a young man coming out of church said to me, “Father, maybe you could let people know that the Creed is found on the first page of the book in our pews.” He said, “If you’re new, you might not know the Creed.” And sure enough, I looked there and discovered that on that first page are many of the prayers that we pray at Mass. And, that young man is absolutely correct in saying that maybe not everyone knows those prayers. So, if you are new (or just never memorized all of those prayers), check out the inside of the front cover of the pew missal! During Mass, feel free to open it up and pray along!
Speaking of “being new,” it is really so wonderful to look out at Mass and see so many infants! Their presence brings so much joy and hope to the rest of us. To all of you who bring your children to Mass, please know that we are SO happy that you are here with us.
Speaking of “being new,” if you’ve never registered as a parishioner here, would you please do so? Sometimes people “come to church,” but they never join the parish. Filling out a registration form says, “I don’t merely attend this parish, I belong to this parish.” Belonging is important.
A couple of priest friends of mine–both ordained under three years–are leading a pilgrimage to Poland in November. They are both top-notch priests and I am sure the pilgrimage will be a wonderful experience. It is advertised elsewhere in the bulletin. Think about it!
Last week I went to the home of some former parishioners of mine and had dinner with a couple of families whom I became friends with when I was assigned there. It’s hard for me to believe that I arrived at that parish 24 years ago and that I left there 11 years ago! Sitting around the table together, having a wonderful meal, and talking about life not only brought back many happy memories, but it also reminded me of how great life as a parish priest is. What a privilege it is to enter into the lives of people and to live the friendship of the Church together. God is so good.
I wish all of you a great week.
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. David Barnes
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