Dear Friends in Christ,
Do you see what I see?
I see a Catholic Community that worships God devoutly, that generously supports the parish, cares for the poor, and that is marked by a love for one another. I see a parish staff that works tirelessly for the people of St. Patrick. I see young families coming to Mass. I see bible studies, bereavement groups, and support groups. I see people praying together. I see a parish that has vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life. I see young adults and young couples at Mass. I see long-time stalwart parishioners who–even though burdened by age–are as committed now to the parish as they were decades ago. I see Sister Maureen who just turned Ninety coming to work each day at the parish and praying for us all in Eucharistic Adoration. I see people bearing witness to the beauty of marriage. I see people coming to confession regularly. I see deacons pouring themselves out in service to the parish. I see a Christian people who care for and love one another.
Do you hear what I hear?
I hear the sounds of our musicians playing and singing for the Lord. I hear Fr. Sijo warmly inviting people to Bible Study and to Retreat Days. I hear the glorious sound of babies and children at Mass. I hear the school choir practicing from my office window. I hear the residents at the Arbors, Fuller House, and Life Care belt out the hymns we sing at their monthly Masses. I hear a lot of joy and laughter in the rectory and the parish office. I hear our Catechists teaching children about God and the Church. I hear the Word of God being preached and taught. I hear people who pray with devotion.
Do you know what I know?
I know that the Lord is present here in our midst. I know that he draws close to us. I know that he wants no one to be excluded from his salvific grace. I know that he is the answer to every heart’s deepest longing. I know that if you are heavily burdened, he is close to you. I know that he wants to forgive all of your sins. I know that he wants to give you freedom. I know that he loves you. I know that he has always loved you. I know that he will never not love you.
Listen to what I say:
As we draw close to the Feast of Christmas, it is such a source of joy to see and to hear the signs of Christ’s Presence among us. He is coming, but he is also already here. He will indeed bring us goodness and light. We can have confidence about this because as we look around and listen, we can confidently know that he already has brought us goodness and light. And…there is more where that came from. Get Ready!
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. David Barnes
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