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2025 Lenten Study

In Jesus, Friend of My Soul, each two-page daily reflection brings our attention to the Lenten season, providing reflections for growth and inviting us to follow Jesus and become more like him.

“As Christians,” Joyce Rupp writes, “we look to the person of Jesus to learn from him.” Because our lives are filled to the brim with activity, it is easy to drift away from trying to live as Jesus did, and we find ourselves in need of time to focus on drawing close to him again and learning from his example.

We will meet to share and discuss our experiences with these reflections on Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 pm on March 3, 24, 31 and April 7 & 14. Registration is required. Please contact Diane McCarthy at 781-438-0200 or Cost of the book will be approximately $10.

Thank You!

These are just three of the ten pictures that DCF sent of all the gifts that our parish donated to them for Christmas. They separate them by to category to create a 'store' where their social workers can 'shop' for children and families. Thank you so much for your abundant generosity and for making Christmas happier for those in need. God bless you!

St. Patrick Food Group
Is Grateful for Your Generosity

St. Patrick Food Group is grateful for all the support given to us when sponsoring the Stoneham Community Dinner. Your generosity directly impacts the lives of many individuals and families struggling in our community. Your kindness makes a real difference.

The Grab & Go Dinners are the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. If you, or someone you know needs a nutritious, warm dinner, please email: or visit

Upcoming Dates: January 7 & 21 / February 4 & 18 / March 4 & 18.

Below are pictures from the Stoneham Community Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.

Wishing you abundant blessings in the new year.

Thank you to all the parishioners:

On behalf of all the priests and parish staff, thank you for all the Christmas cards, gift baskets, and sweet treats!

We appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Best wishes in the new year!

Our sincere thanks to all of you who delivered a plant to our homebound parishioners. You brought so much joy to each of them!


If you are currently receiving Offertory Envelopes please be aware that we have changed companies.

Beginning in January you will be receiving your Offertory envelopes from Cathedral Corp. If you would like to sign up for Offertory Envelopes, please call the Parish Office at 781-438-0960.

A heartfelt thank you from the Religious Education Department to all who supported our Blessing Bracelet fundraiser!

Blessing Bracelets are available at the parish office until January 1 for anyone interested.


Memorial Masses may be scheduled for your loved ones by calling the parish office. You may choose a weekday or weekend Mass. Additionally, we offer a Communal Memorial Mass Saturday at noon, where several people will be prayed for together.

We recommend that you call the office well in advance of the particular date you would like to schedule.

Our large parish size means that dates fill up quickly. The Mass calendar for next year is available.

Join Fr. David Barnes for The Best Shrines of France Pilgrimage in September.
More information is on our
What's Happening page

Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve

4:00pm Mass (Upper Church)
4:00pm Mass (Lower Church)
4:00pm Mass (OLPH)
10:00pm Evening Mass

Christmas Day

8:00am Mass
10:00am Mass
12:00pm Mass

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am,

Noon & 6:00 pm

Weekday Mass:

Monday through Saturday: Noon

Holy Days:

Vigil: 7:00 pm

Holy Day: Noon


Monday-Friday: 11:20 - 11:50 am

Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 pm in lower church

Pray For

Lillian Paquette, Rita Aronson, Anne DeCola, Ronald Ferrara, Sr., Zoila Baez-Castro
who died recently.


Flowers for this weekend have been donated in memory of
Richard Main

How you can donate flowers


The Sanctuary Light for the week’s liturgies was donated in memory of
Richard Main

The Bread and Wine for the week’s liturgies were donated in memory of
Merri Grant & Cisco Naranjo

If you would like to sponsor the Sanctuary Lamp ($25) and or the Bread and Wine ($25) in honor of a loved one, please contact the office at 781-438-0960. The name of your loved one will be published in the bulletin.


Registration is open now through September 30th.

Register Here

Religious Education Registration is now Closed

Religious Education Registration is currently closed. If you need to complete your child(ren)’s registration, please email the office at

Adult Confirmation
Becoming Catholic
Memorial Masses

Parish Registration Form

We're so happy that you've chosen to join our faith family!

Contact Us

Head(s) of Household


First Name


Date of Birth



Children (specify male/female)

First Name


Date of Birth

Place of Baptism

I would like to receive weekly envelopes. Envelopes are mailed out monthly. Included in the packet is a monthly envelope if you prefer to donate monthly. Thank you for your support!

Get Involved

at St. Patricks

Who We Are

Join us online or in person at our events at the parish, you're always welcome!

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Pray With Us

Join us online or in person at our events at the parish, you're always welcome!

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Our Ministries

Join us online or in person at our events at the parish, you're always welcome!

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  • Title or Question

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  • Title or Question

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

What should I wear?

We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you're joining us and want you to be more focused on the service than what you're wearing. In the summertime, it's not uncommon to see people wearing sandals, shorts, and a shirt. Others prefer to still put on their "Sunday best," and that's fine too! However, we do request that shorts be of a conservative length (no “short-shorts”) and that in general, clothing be respectable and conservative.

How do I get to St. Patrick's Parish?

Our parish is located at 71 Central Street, Stoneham, MA 02180. Here is a map.

Where should I park?

[Your text here.]

Where do my children go?

[Your text here.]

I’m not Catholic, how do I know when to sit, stand and kneel?

There’s no need to be self-conscious about the postures and responses used during worship. Most visitors just follow the lead of the our parishioners. However, we do have worship aids located in each pew that provide you with the order of the mass, the postures, and the words to each prayer. If you don't see a worship aid in your pew, ask an usher, and they will be happy to bring you one.

I’m not Catholic, is it okay for me to participate in communion?

Communion, or The Eucharist, is the most intimate expression of our faith. Catholics believe that the host is literally the body of Christ, transformed from bread by the priest presiding over the service. Most evangelicals think of Communion as symbolic, so it makes sense that they are not as strict about having the right relationship to it as Catholics and Orthodox Christians who believe it is a sacrament and the true presence of Christ. So, if you are not Catholic, we ask that you not receive communion. However, those not receiving the Body of Christ and Precious blood are invited to come forward with their hands crossed over their chests for a special blessing.

Am I expected to put money in the offering?

If you are visiting with us, we don't expect you to put money in the offering, and you are welcome to just let it pass you by. If you consider our parish your church home, we'd love for you to prayerfully consider giving to our parish on a weekly basis. You can give by check or cash during the service, or you can sign up for online giving here. 

I have a hearing problem, is there any special assistance?

[Your text here.]

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