Dear Friends in Christ,
Thursday, August 29th, is the one year anniversary of Fr. Mario’s death. We will offer Mass that day at Noon for the repose of his soul. On Sunday, September 1st we will also offer the Noon Mass for Fr. Mario, welcome his family to join us, and have a collation afterwards in the parish hall. This affords us all the opportunity to remember with gratitude all that Fr. Mario did for this parish and to return the favor by praying for him.
One of the beautiful things about Christian Love and Christian Hope is that there is a certain sobriety to them. Oftentimes, the world does not know how to mourn properly. Worldly mourning is often marked by a frenetic attempt to wallow in sadness. For us, however, there is a certain dignity to the way we mourn. Catholics mourn differently. We entrust our dead confidently to the Lord and we pray for them.
As we offer Masses for Fr. Mario this coming week, we do so not so that we can re-live the pain of his death, but so that our hearts can be filled with gratitude for all the graces that the Lord gave to and through Fr. Mario. When we pray for him at Mass, we are filled not with the sadness of the melancholic, but with the confident hope of the Christian. Our sorrow gives way to deeper gratitude for his life and to a more profound conviction that we will see him again.
The faculty for St. Patrick School return this Wednesday. I look forward to meeting with them, having Mass together, and spiritually preparing for the year ahead! Fr. Patrick, Mrs. Schmidheiser (our principal), and Mr. Antonacci (our new assistant principal) have been working together this summer to find more ways for our St. Patrick students to encounter the Lord in the Eucharist through Adoration and to deepen their knowledge and participation in the Mass.
Our newly formed Young Couples and Young Families Group invites parishioners to Coffee and Donuts after the 10:00 am Mass on September 8th in the Parish Hall. Please join us! Also, if any young couples (engaged or married) are interested in more information about this group, please email
People often wonder, “What is God’s plan for me?” They also wonder how to have a spiritual life. They ask, “What should I do to grow in my spiritual life?” “How do I deepen my spiritual life?” People—including many Catholics—are confused, anxious, or overwhelmed by all of the “pieces” of Catholicism. How do they all fit together? Where does one begin? How does one grow? If questions like these are your questions, I invite you to join Fr. Patrick and me for an eight-week Adult Formation Series entitled, “Becoming Christ: An Introduction to the Spiritual Life.” It will meet on eight Tuesday evenings beginning on September 17th from 7:00-8:15 pm. I am really looking forward to this!
Also in the works is a Men’s Group that will host a twelve-week series entitled, “Into the Breach.” This is a wonderful opportunity for men to experience fraternity while growing in holiness and virtue together. Iron sharpens iron! See the announcement elsewhere in bulletin!
Beginning soon, there will be a prayer and discussion group for mothers of school age children and younger led by one of our parishioners. See the announcement elsewhere in the bulletin!
We are working to strengthen and grow our ministry to youth in the parish. This year we will focus on the 8th Grade Confirmation Class and a few events for High Schoolers. If you are a young, faithful Catholic we would love your help in providing these young people with a strong relational experience in the Catholic Faith. If you are interested in helping, please see Fr. Patrick.
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. David Barnes
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