Dear Friends in Christ:
He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!
Because this week’s bulletin is given over almost entirely to remembering the names of those in whose memory flowers have been donated, I have been told to “keep it short!”
On the first Easter evening two disciples walked along the road to Emmaus. They were weighed down and filled with sorrow. They were discussing all that happened over the past few days. Into their midst, Jesus came to them, but they did not recognize him. He spoke with them, explained the scriptures to them, and took bread and blessed and broke it with them. At that, “their eyes were opened.” And then, Jesus vanished from their sight. I have always loved the words they then spoke, “Were not our hearts burning within us as he spoke to us along the way?”
What happened on that road two thousand years ago continues to happen here at St. Patrick Parish. During this past year, as we have mourned Fr. Mario’s illness and death, we have walked with one another along the road. And, as we look back upon the events of this year and the many years in which Fr. Mario served here, I am sure you can say, “Were not our hearts burning within us as he spoke to us along the way?” Through Fr. Mario’s priesthood and through his friendship, you encountered the Risen Lord. During these months since Fr. Mario’s death, the Risen Lord Jesus continues to walk with us. He speaks to us as we walk together in friendship. He speaks to us through the Scriptures at Mass. Most especially, he reveals himself to us and gives himself to us in the Eucharist. He has drawn close to us.
Seven months ago, I joined all of you on the road together. I am grateful that, like those two long-ago disciples, I also have come to encounter the Risen Lord in our life together. His Presence–through our friendship, our reading of the Scriptures, and most especially through the Eucharist–causes my heart also to burn as he speaks to us along the way.
When I see our life together, I can say: He is Risen. He is Risen, Indeed!
All of us who serve St. Patrick Parish: Priests, Deacons Religious, Lay Ministers, and Parish Staff thank you for your beautiful example of Faith and we wish you and your families the joy of the Risen Lord.
(Guess I didn’t keep it short).
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. David Barnes
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