Dear Friends in Christ,
He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!
On the night of the Last Supper, as Jesus sat at table with his apostles, he said, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you . . .” (LK 22:15). We can say that the Lord also had us in mind when he spoke those words. He eagerly desired that we should be with him in the Upper Room, on Calvary, and at the empty tomb. And this, we have done.
Last week, during the extraordinary days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday, St. Patrick Church was bursting at the seams. You accepted the Lord’s invitation to be with him during those days. Throughout those days, and at their conclusion, I had this overwhelming sense that we had done something beautiful for God. We lifted up our hearts and minds to God and worshiped Him with everything we had. It was a glorious few days. And, during those days, we deepened our communion with the Lord and with one another. It is most especially in the Liturgy that we are drawn up into communion with God and our own communion is strengthened. Even more, during those days, numbers were added to our community as people entered into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. To those of you who were welcomed into the Church and who received Sacraments at the Vigil: Welcome and congratulations!
There are times in life when it feels as though the Lord provides us an assurance that He is close to us and that He is doing something great. He did that for me last week during the Sacred Triduum. The weight of His Glory was tangible to me as we all worshiped together and gave God our all. Everyone did their part. Catholic life was on full display as long lines of people came to confession, and thousands of people came to Mass and adored the Cross. Honestly, all of you–clergy, staff, and parishioners–were pretty amazing this past week. So many people worked so incredibly hard during those days. Your generosity, attention to detail, and reverence was something beautiful to behold. Thank you so much.
Fr. Sijo and I are very happy that we will be welcoming another priest to St. Patrick. Fr. Patrick Fiorillo (a good name to have in this parish!) will be coming aboard this week. Ordained in 2016, Fr. Patrick has spent the last several years as the Parochial Vicar of St. Paul Parish in Cambridge and as the Undergraduate Catholic Chaplain at Harvard University. He is a life-long drummer and even plays in a Jazz band called “Vatican III” with several other priests. I hope he practices very quietly . . . .
It will be great to have another priest with us, not only to share in the current workload, but also to draw upon Fr. Patrick’s particular gifts to expand our ministries here. He will be gradually settling in over the next several weeks.
Lastly, congratulations to all of those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend at St. Patrick Parish! May you live always as steadfast witnesses to the joy of the Catholic life.
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. David Barnes
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