Dear Friends in Christ,
Recently, several passages from the Fourth Chapter of St. John’s Gospel have influenced my prayer: “One sows and another reaps.” “I sent you to reap what you have not worked for; others have done the work, and you are sharing the fruits of their work.” “I tell you, look up and see the fields are ripe for the harvest.”
As I immerse myself in the life of St. Patrick Parish, I am filled with gratitude and wonder for all the good that is manifestly visible here: your love for God, the sacraments, the Word, and for one another. I am deeply grateful for all those who have sowed so much in this parish over the past hundred and fifty-five years. I am especially mindful of and grateful for Fr. Mario’s ministry. He sowed so very richly here, and I know that I am sharing in the fruits of his loving labors.
A Catholic parish should always be sowing and reaping. It never ends. During the past weeks the Lord has put into my heart an intense desire to sow and to reap; to sow seeds among those who no longer participate in the life of the Church and who have disappeared from Sunday Mass, and among the young who search for meaning, for friendship, and for real community; to reap where the harvest is abundant, assisting those who already had the Word planted in them, but who desire to grow in their faith, to deepen their spiritual life and their understanding of the Faith, and to become more generous laborers in the Lord’s vineyard. The Lord is calling all of us to experience the joy that comes from sowing and reaping in the Kingdom.
Sowing and reaping abundantly involves the financial stability of our parish. Our beautiful church, superb staff, and rich Catholic life are due–in part–to the financial generosity of so many people. We ask you to consider making a donation of $350 per household. If you are able to give more, please do! I know some of you are older and/or are on a fixed income. Maybe you have long labored in the vineyard and can no longer afford to contribute as much financially. Do what you can, and know of our deep gratitude for all you have done over the years.
The Grand Annual Appeal’s success is vitally important for the financial health of our parish. It keeps the lights, the heat, and the air conditioning on. It funds the never-ending repairs to our buildings, enables us to make necessary capital improvements, and provides the funds for the salaries of our clergy and staff. Most importantly, it enables us to do the work of the Church–to worship God, to assist the poor, and to evangelize. I want to maintain what we have and to sow even more, so that the Lord’s vineyard here in Stoneham grows more abundantly.
Please join your fellow parishioners and me in supporting the Grand Annual Appeal. I believe the Lord wants to continue to do great things in this parish. I ask you to make as generous a contribution as you can. “I tell you, look up and see the fields are ripe for the harvest” (Jn 4:35).
Your Co-Worker in the Vineyard,
Fr. David Barnes, Pastor
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