Dear Friends in Christ,
Pope Benedict XVI once said that “beauty wounds.” Benedict explains that when we encounter beauty, it is like an arrow that pierces us and awakens in us a desire for our ultimate destiny. Instead of satisfying us completely, it deepens our longing for ultimate beauty. We have probably all had experiences like this. We stand before some majestic mountain range or down into the Grand Canyon, or we look up into a night sky filled with stars, or watch the crashing of waves during a storm. These encounters leave us with a longing for more beauty, for lasting beauty, for eternal beauty.
This wound is evidenced also by our reaction, at times, to beauty. Sometimes a natural reaction to beauty is for people to burst into tears! Oftentimes, beauty leaves us in awed silence. A few times in my life, I have been to a movie where, at the end, instead of everyone jumping up as soon as the film ends, people sit there in a stunned silence watching the credits roll. This is usually a good indication that the film was truly beautiful.
When we are pierced by this kind of beauty, we become, in a sense, more certain of the truth. I can think of so many experiences like this in my life. On the day of my priestly ordination, after distributing Holy Communion, I returned to my seat, and the choir began singing Mozart’s “Ave Verum Corpus.” In that moment I felt as though I was transported to another place. The sublime and exquisite beauty of those few moments gave me this greater certitude that “It is all true.” I did not doubt the priesthood, the Eucharist, or the Church etc, but the encounter with beauty in that moment deepened my certitude.
Another way that this happens in my life is through friendship. It has been my repeated experience that after being with friends, enjoying a meal together, sharing our lives together, I leave the occasion with the sense that “everything the Catholic Church teaches is true.” The beauty of friendship gives us a greater certitude about the Truth.
I often have that experience as I look out at all of you during Mass. Young parents raising their children in the faith, parents dragging their teenagers to Mass (!), a widow who walks into this church alone for the first time in decades, someone who feels overwhelmed, someone struggling with sin, a young man who wonders if God is calling him to priesthood, a couple of elderly friends who always sit together, people who are so generous in serving others, and the list goes on.
As I look out at this, I often feel that pierce of beauty that makes me long for the Author of all Beauty, the One who is Beauty Himself. This pierce of beauty also makes me more certain of Christ. Holiness is beautiful. When we live our Catholic Faith together, something beautiful happens. And this beauty pierces us and makes us long for greater holiness, greater faith, greater communion with one another. And this beauty of holiness gives us greater certitude that the Faith is more true than we ever imagined. We become convinced once again of Christ and the way of life he offers to us.
Last week, as I was offering the Sunday Mass, I had that kind of experience. I looked out at the beauty of our communion together and I had that tranquil and sublime assurance: “Christ is real. The Catholic Faith is True.”
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. David Barnes
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