Dear Friends in Christ,
This past week Pope Francis accepted Cardinal Sean’s resignation which Cardinal Sean offered five years ago when he turned 75! I am grateful that the Holy Father kept Cardinal Sean as Archbishop of Boston for those extra five years. Cardinal Sean has been a good bishop to me and a good friend. His time in Boston was not easy, but somehow he managed to navigate the many difficulties and still maintain his wonderful sense of humor. I feel privileged to have benefitted from his ministry and from his friendship.
Archbishop-elect Richard Henning will be our new Archbishop. Less than a year ago, he was named the Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island. I have priest friends in Providence who have spent the past year telling me what a great bishop he is. I know that they are sorry to lose him. While I am sorry for their loss … I am happier for our gain! He will be installed as Archbishop on October 31. Let’s pray for him!
In other news, I’d like to draw your attention to a few things:
I am happy to report that a young man who attends our parish will be entering seminary this year. Paul Simko, who often serves at daily and Sunday Mass, will be entering his first year of seminary formation for the Archdiocese of Boston. Paul completed his Sophomore Year at the University of Dallas, and will do his first three years of seminary in the seminary program at the University of Dallas. After that, he’ll have an additional four years of seminary.
Paul joins our other parishioner, Kyle Ellis, who is also in college seminary. Kyle attends Our Lady of Providence College Seminary in Providence, Rhode Island. I am sure you see him all the time serving Mass here, as well. It is a great testimony to this parish to have two young men studying for the priesthood. Once we have five men from this parish studying for the priesthood, maybe I will be satisfied. But the only way we will know if that is true or not is when we actually have five men studying for priesthood! So, let’s keep praying for vocations. Please also take time to encourage Paul and Kyle.
Last Saturday night, the priests of the parish met with a handful of young married couples for a cookout. It was such a fantastic night! It was fun, relaxing, and enriching. The plan is to expand that group organically, allowing friendships to form through social events, educational and spiritual formation, and service opportunities. If you are an engaged or married couple looking to meet other young families in the parish, feel free to reach out by emailing: or to speak with me directly.
Lastly, as we approach the one year anniversary of Fr. Mario’s death, I want to put it on your radar that we will offer Mass for Fr. Mario on the anniversary day itself, August 29th at Noon, and then again on Sunday, September 1st at the Noon. After the Noon on Sunday, September 1st, we will have a collation in Our Lady of Providence Hall. These opportunities not only afford us the opportunity to pray for Fr. Mario, but also to remember with gratitude his devoted priestly ministry and pastoral charity.
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. David Barnes
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